Jack Sells Popcorn

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Building Character, One Scout at a Time

Jonathan decided he wanted to get a little more creative with his video message this year. Here's what he came up with. Enjoy!

Local Offering

The online offering at Trails End will change as the season changes.  Most importantly, chocolate items won't be offered until temperatures drop to avoid shipments of melted goop.  Additionally, the online site presents National product offerings and prices.

If you are live local to Pack 455 or expect to see us before the end of November, take a look at expanded Regional offering below.  If you aren't local, but see something you fancy, shoot us an email at jackatpack455@gmail.com and we'll see what we can do!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Popcorn Season is Here!

Jack loves leaping into Fall!
Greetings!  Another year of Scouting is upon us.  This year Jonathan (he's informed his mother and I that he's Jonathan now - not Jack) is a Webelos Scout - and it's looking to be an exciting year.  The boys will be learning how to cook in the woods, how to perform first aid, how to plan and execute their own outdoor trips, and how to live the Scout Law as they strive to become young men of character.

The activities we have planned for the year cost money - craft supplies, camp fees, food, and award costs all add up.  Jonathan is working hard to raise money for his Pack by selling popcorn.  He's looking forward to telling about it himself very soon.  I just wanted to take a moment and personally ask that you help him reach his goal of $1500.  Over 70% of all the sales goes back to local Scouting - over 30% directly to our Pack.  In truth - you aren't buying popcorn - you're supporting Cub Scouts.  You just get some tasty snacks for your efforts!

Keep your eyes on this page - we'll be updating it with pictures and videos as Jonathan progresses through the fundraiser.  To purchase popcorn online now - simply click the red button on the sidebar.  Thank you for your time!

- Sincerely,

     Jonathan's Dad